Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday schedule

I wont be working from 25th December to about 3rd January. I will try to check my email to check for urgent issues, but it won't be frequent. I expect to have at least responded to all emails by the end of today.
I wish everyone a merry Christmas and inebriated new years. 2013 has been extremely busy with a lot of developments for players, and for me in areas both in and out of roulette. I did expect to focus more on non-profit work like www.yourway.org.au and www.unversalsymbiosis.org this year but the other work was quite never-ending. 2014 will be an even bigger year and early on expect some great announcements.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Hybrid V3

As expected it wasn't completed, but good progress was made. Half of the new part was completed but it wont be ready before Christmas. A realistic target is around mid-January for everything, but before then I expect to release another video. I've started preparing the training material.

Old JAA closing 5th January 2014

Just a note to let everyone know I'm closing the previous JAA version on 5th January 2014. From this date, only the new JAA version will be available.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hybrid V3

Again the work now is mostly fixing bugs but we have to re-work some areas, although none of it is major. If it were to be used in casinos now, the processes wouldn't be streamlined or as practical as they should be.
One of the new programmers (two brothers) has started coding. The other just requires a bit more understanding before starting to code his part.
I've made an arrangement with the previous programmer to be paid upon completion in 7 days. In other words if he finishes in time, he gets paid a significantly larger amount. This is not the first time we've made such arrangements. The result is usually good progress is made, but not completion. I expect the same in this case, so the likely result is the additional work done can be passed to the new programmers who are much more reliable.
Depending on the progress each team has made, there may be code-sharing or the work will remain independent.
Christmas and New Years shouldn't delay things too much, perhaps add an extra 4-5 days. This nightmare of a development is really almost over, maybe before Christmas. If it isn't, it wont be long after regardless of who completes it.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hybrid V3

One of the main programmers is really dragging matters on and is being very unreliable, making these last stages of development even more painful. He will continue to work on it while the new programmers work independently of him. The new programmers are mostly still understanding the existing source code so they better understand what must be done. The new programmers are two brothers and I have worked with them both on many other projects over many years, and I always found them to be reliable. While they are not experts in image recognition, it doesn't matter because that part is already done and working perfectly. The wireless is also done, which took a very long time because of hardware limitations.
Again all that remains is a few tweaks and bug corrections. One example is sometimes when video finishes recording, a crash occurs. This is probably a codec issue but we don't yet understand the variables that make it occur. While these may seem like trivial issues, they need to be fixed for reliable application in the casino environment.
How much longer? It could be 24hrs if the existing programmer finally gets organized and does the work he's been paid to do. Or weeks if the new programmers have to complete it. While I know the wait is painful for many of you, it is far worse for me. I will be very happy to be fully up and running with the new programmers (once they start actual coding) because progress will be far quicker. Then we can finally get this running. I cannot express enough how frustrating this development has been for me. We have gone through so many different programmers and encountered just about every imaginable obstacle but when I publish the next update video, involved people will see how close it is to actually being ready to use.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Getting JAA access (new version)

To get access to the new JAA version, simply email me from the email account of yours I have on file. Just send a BLANK email with the subject "New JAA Access". Then I'll check your email is on the permitted list, and reply with access details.
Again the instructions are in the forum's knowledgebase. For now it is just the video, which is really all you need because the new version is much simpler.
The developer is still adding the various parts to it. One of the next parts being done is a modification to the wheel rating system which tells you how confident the software is that the rating is correct. For example, if you test just 5 spins and get a great wheel rating, the software also tells you the rating wont be accurate and that you need more spins.
Anyway I wont give updates on every little part being added because there are many additions on the way. But when a few more of them are done, I'll create written instructions to supplement the video.

Disputes between players

If you are involved in a dispute or argument with a player, please see http://www.genuinewinner.com/player-disputes/

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New JAA version - instructional video

The video tutorial is now at http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=46 (login to forum to see). Experienced players would be able to see the software and know how to use it without further instruction. The idea is to make it so simple that it barely needs any instructions besides a quick video of what to do.
At this stage, the accuracy is about the equivalent of DSA. Remember the reason we had this new version created was because the earlier version became too complex and messy to modify. So everything was being built from the ground up and more advanced features will be added in due course. But the actual procedures to use the software will remain the same, which are very simple and can be learned in minutes.
Eventually I'll create a longer video that explains every little thing about how to use the software, procedures you must follow at the casino etc. The idea is a no-nonsense 20 minute video will clearly explain everything a new player needs to begin achieving the same results as experienced players.
Regarding getting access, I'll publish a separate announcement about this once the software is on the correct server.


The latest version of JAA is now working perfectly, and will be installed on the correct server within 24hrs. I've started working on the instructions, which will not take long to complete because the software is very easy to use. I'll release instructions which will also tell you how to get access.

Monday, December 9, 2013

JAA new version

There is only one minor issue to corrected before release. This will be fixed likely within 24 hours.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

JAA and Hybrid

JAA: Everything is going very well and it appears almost certain it will be released this week. There are only very minor issues remaining, like spelling errors and an extra button that shouldn't be there. The wheel rating system is also being refined a bit more as it will be more accurate.
Hybrid: First programmer: We are still testing and making finer adjustments. Second programmers: still reviewing the source code and specifications and will begin soon.

Friday, November 29, 2013

JAA New Version & Hybrid V3

JAA New Version: We've decided to finish some of the latest updates before making it available to players. This is because development of the additional features has progressed faster than expected, so it is better off to wait a bit longer and release more of the software at the same time. Today I'll be testing the latest additions and by around mid next week they'll be available to players. There will still be more to add later, but at least it will be available to enable even simpler application.
Hybrid V3: We've corrected some of the elusive bugs. One of the bugs was that the first bettor phone received predictions instantly, but other phones had a slight delay. Now I'm re-testing everything.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Uber and JAA Updates

JAA Updates: I've tested the latest version and everything appears perfect. Now we just need to move it to the correct server, so we expect it will be available by the end of the week. The programmer is very quick and efficient and if this continues, the additional features will be available soon too.
Uber Updates: This is a much more complex issue than expected. Again it is a hardware issue, not software. Specifically the phones cannot process the amount of data on a significant portion of spins. If we used an Android phone it could be done, but then we'd need completely custom firmware for it which would take about 2-3 months to develop. Then we'd need to completely re-write the source code to work on the Android which is another 6 months. I'm still working on the best solution.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hybrid V3 & New JAA Version

Hybrid V3: There are only a few minor issues remaining until it can be used, but one of the developers slowed work due to personal issues. I spoke with him this morning and discussed the matter with partners. As he has a reduced capacity to work and we can't accept further delays, I'm hiring an additional programmer to fix the remaining issues while continuing to pay the other developer, the point of which is one will finish before the other. I've done this before and don't like doing it but I'm sure everyone will agree its all gone on long enough. As painful as it is for some people, it is far worse for me. This will probably be the last large development project for me for perhaps a decade, except for the v4 (hybrid on mobile phone). These last issues should only be a few days of coding at most once the new programmer learns the source code, or we may be finished about mid this week with the other programmer.
New JAA Version: I've tested the latest version and only found one minor issue that occurs with 00 wheels. Everything else appears perfect. The issue will be fixed within 24hrs, then I'll give the software a full test. Assuming there are no further issues, it should be available to players by around mid this week. As I have mentioned previously, the reason we're building jaa from the ground up again is because the older version became so complex with messy code, that further work on it became very difficult for any new programmer that took over the project. This made adding new parts to it very difficult and costly. So the new jaa version will start with the basics, then more features and pattern types will be added over time. The developer already began work on the extra parts.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Recent Uber Update

A player has reported an issue with the latest update to Auto Target and I've verified it. It is a hardware issue, not the software. The problem appears to be that on some spins, the data that needs to be saved is placed into the phone's buffer while it writes the information, but the maximum buffer size is exceeded which causes the phone to reboot. It rarely occurs, but it's frequent enough to be an issue that must be fixed.
This will be a tricky issue to fix properly, although the simplest option is to have the software reject spins where this issue will occur. It is only around 3% of spins for most wheels, but higher on wheels with very gradual ball deceleration rates. Another option is to perform analysis over fewer spins, but this is not an ideal solution.
I'll need to discuss the matter with the programmer to find the most suitable option. If you have not het encountered the issue, it could be that your wheels don't exhibit the properties that cause the issue you should be able to continue to use the computer without issues.
I'll hold on shipping phones I have until it is fixed, but if you prefer me to send back the previous stable version so you can keep playing, let me know.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Reporting Bugs and Downloads Area

Reporting Bugs:
Usually when I receive a report of a software bug it looks something like this: "The software didn't work when I clicked this button. It said some error and I don't know what it was." 
From now on, if you are reporting any software bugs, please use the form at www.genuinewinner.com/report-bugs/
This will make managing reports much easier, and help ensure that the programmers receive the required information.
Downloads Area:
You may have noticed the new downloads area in the forum. Over the next day or so I'll be uploading files to it. We'll be using the forum's download manager from now on so all resources are in a central place.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Moving Forum Location

The player forum is being moved to another server. It has been locked on the old server, and when you see it unlocked, the forum is being served from the new server. Depending on your ISP, most people will be unable to access it for about 24hrs.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Player-only Downloads

There is an issue with the player-only downloads where you get a "file not found" error, although the file does exist. To access the files, first go to the directory EXCLUDING the file name in the URL. You'll then be asked the login details which you enter, then you can browse to and download the file. Anyway I'm about to move servers and the download system will be simplified by integrating it into the player-only forum.

Monday, October 28, 2013

JAA Simulation Feature & New JAA Version

The JAA simulation feature is fixed now. But the new JAA version will replace the old one soon, and we'll be implementing a different "wheel rating" system, so which wheels are good or bad is easier to know.
From testing of the new JAA today, it is now very close to completion, but there is an issue with American 00 wheels, but it is very minor. We should be able to release it at the end of this week, if not early next week as I'd like to do more testing to be sure everything is ok.

Roulette Computer Demonstrations - Travel Expense Reimbursements

A few people have recently asked when I'll next conduct a group public demo of the roulette computers. These are the demos where anyone can attend for any reason, whether or not you intend to purchase. At this stage I don't intend to do another one, and you can see a video recording of a group demo at http://www.roulettecomputers.com/video-demos/.
However, private demonstrations can be done if you have intent to purchase. While visiting is ideal, it may be inconvenient for you because of the distance. This is why I conduct the live webcam demos, so you can see whatever you need "live", without needing to visit.
In cases where you travel to me, for larger purchases I may reimburse you for your travel expenses, whether or not you purchase. If you do purchase, I typically reduce the amount paid for the equipment. If you don't purchase, I pay you directly. However, I'm confident you'll like what you see.
For example, you may want to visit me to see the $30,000 Two-player Uber, but you don't want to spend $3,000 or so for the airfares, accommodation and food, especially since you aren't sure if you'll purchase. But if you invest the time and money to visit me in the first place, then I'm confident you are a serious purchaser, and I may agree to reimburse you (in part or full) whether or not you purchase.
Of course it is possible that people may take advantage of this arrangement for a "free holiday". But I don't think anyone has or likely will. For one thing, visitors initially spending their own money and risk me not keeping promises. I know I keep promises, but visitors still take the risk.
Again these arrangements are made on a case by case basis. And they are subject to some conditions. For example, I request that you provide your flight itinerary and invoices that are verified, and reside at the conference center where demonstrations are conducted.
Generally I'm flexible with arrangements. Vistors want a computer that beats modern wheels and not to fly 20 hours for nothing, and I don't want to waste a day for nothing. So if these kind of issues concern you, contact me to discuss.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

JAA Database

Change of plans: we wont dump the database at least for now. We will keep existing data, and attempt to patch some of the issues. I'll know more in a day or so and post an update later.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hybrid V3

I'm expecting an updated version in the next day or so. It includes everything together with the new wireless. It's a lot of testing to do. Basically we're at the "try to break it" phase where I do things to try to make each part crash to find weaknesses or flaws that need fixing.

JAA Database (important!)

In the next 24-72hrs, the JAA database is going to be completely replaced. This means that all data will be lost. If you've followed instructions, you'll have backups of your data.
Why this is being done: The database is corrupt and needs cleaning. I've had it cleaned manually, but it's not enough because of how big the database is. The corrupt database is causing issues with some features.
What to do next: Once the process is complete, I'll announce it. Then you will be able to create a new account.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Skype messages

Once I log onto Skype, I get bombarded with many Skype messages. There are too many for me to save, so if there are any important issues, please send them via email, not Skype. Skype should only be used for live chat.

JAA Bug Reports

If you are still experiencing issues with JAA (other than for spin import), I need you to send me a report that I can forward to the programmer. You must write it in a way that I can just forward him what you send me. Guideline for reports is below:
Title of the problem (A few words to explain what the problem is about, eg. "Spin Import")
Description of the problem: What happens that is wrong, and exact steps to reproduce the error. Include a numbered step-by-step instructions and screenshots. ie:
1. click this,
2. click that,
3. enter this, then click that etc etc.
How it should be: Specify what you expect should be the correct behavior of the software.
When I report issues with programmers, this is the format I follow. In many cases, what is perceived to be a bug is just misunderstanding of software application.
Anyway as explained on the forum, one of the reasons I'm creating new JAA software from scratch is because so many programmers worked on the original version that it just became a jungle of source code and is very difficult for any programmer to understand, which makes adding features to it very time consuming and difficult. So everything is being re-coded to make it cleaner, then we can have a cleaner interface, simpler application and overall a better experience for everyone. It is almost done except a few minor issues.

Uber Codes

Someone sent me a code request but didn't specify their email address, so I can't respond. The last digits of their code are KNR.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hybrid V3

I've finished testing of the new wireless module for the Hybrid V3. I'm happy to say it works perfectly. The new wireless was required as per my post at http://genuinewinnerroulette.blogspot.com.au/2013/09/hybrid-v3-general-schedule-jaa.html
Old wireless: Player 2 gets prediction at +1000ms, and players 3, 4, 5+ get predictions at +2500ms.
New wireless: All secondary players get prediction at about +100ms. So after the ball and rotor speed is measured, all players will have prediction within 100ms. This is a huge difference.
Additionally, the new wireless has further improvements in keeping the signal undetectable. Previously it was virtually impossible to detect the signal even if you had this guy behind you the whole time:
Now it doesn't appear possible at all, which makes this guy unhappy:
While casinos are still generally behind on wireless detection, there's not a lot additional technology can do for them to detect the more advanced computers, because the emissions blend in very well.
As I have mentioned previously, the reason the wireless part has taken so long is because we aren't dealing with something simplistic like bluetooth. Some of my computer versions do use bluetooth protocols, but the equipment itself is not the same as typical commercial components. The worst (most detectable) form of wireless possible is wireless video from something like a baby monitor or typical wireless camera, because the signal is not encrypted, and even if it is, it is still a strong signal and it's easy to know what it is. The next worse is any kind of "constant" radio signal, like a bluetooth muse or wireless headset, like ones used by some roulette computers. The transmissions may be encrypted, but are basically a radio beacon giving a constant signal. The V3 uses common frequencies in a way that could be mistaken for radio chatter from the big bang.
Overall I'm very happy with the developments, especially regarding the minimal delay for predictions. Now the new wireless needs to be implemented into the software which will take around a week, then I can continue to do full testing on live wheels. It is hard to say when it will be ready for release – it can be used right now with the old wireless, but more testing is needed and the advantages of the new wireless are significant.
On another note, I'm moving all resources and articles to the http://www.roulettetraining.com site, otherwise genuinewinner.com will become too cluttered.

Friday, October 11, 2013

General Update

Unfortunately the backlog of work is greater than expected and I haven't been able to respond to all emails. Most of my time has been spent testing various software. I'm nearly done on the time consuming parts so with all things considered, expect to be up tot date on everything by the upcoming Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I'm back now but it will take me about 3 days to be up to date on all emails etc. Many people have emailed me noting I should be back by now and can respond, but again keep in mind I have a backlog of work so don't expect an immediate response.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Current JAA version: The current version of JAA is still having issues. Most are minor, but the simulation feature is significant. It will be fixed once I return in a few days, but it can be sooner if players email me the following information for the developer:
The exact wheel profile in their account, and spin group. Then very clearly explain what the problem is so the programmer can replicate the problem.
Some of the problems are caused by corrupt spins in the database. This happened a while back and I paid a lot to have it fixed, but still there are issues. The only practical solution will be to dump the entire database and start fresh. Then the measures we implemented will prevent any further corruption. This will be done soon after my return, so everyone please make sure your data is backed up. Before you started using JAA, you will have read warnings to always maintain backups. I'll give a further 48hrs notice before the database is wiped clean.
New JAA version: This is the version that is much simpler to use. Or rather, the interface is much cleaner without all the advanced features that you generally don't use if you are using automated analysis. It is almost finished with a full time developer working on it until completion. With current progress, it should be ready for release within a week of my return because I'll need to test properly.

Friday, September 27, 2013


All email replies are now done except for the few that I just received. I've been informed about a potential issue with JAA (I haven't confirmed it yet), but it is not critical and the auto analysis still works without issues.
Also if you are sending payments, please don't use western union until I return. The areas I'm in are remote and the WU outlets aren't able to pay larger cash amounts.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

General Update

I've only just gotten proper internet access and have responded to every critical issue. Please be patient and I'll attend to other issues/emails when possible. Most people will have a response within 48hrs.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Code Requests

Also I know there are pending code requests and emails etc and these will all be done tomorrow for sure.

Hybrid V3, General Schedule & JAA

Hybrid V3:
Everything is working, finally. But there are still some minor issues to sort out. One issue is the live video, while smooth, is delayed by about 500ms. So we lose about 0.5s of betting time. This is just a video codec issue and is easy enough to fix.
A more critical issue relates to multiple players and when they get predictions. Currently for the typical team play setup:
Player 1: Gets prediction instantly (besides the 500ms delay). But with the 500ms delay, prediction is +500ms what we consider "perfect". The player only needs 1 ball and 1 rotor revolution, which is a prediction in about 3-4 seconds after ball release. The equivalent accuracy with another computer such as the Uber will require 5 revolutions to be clocked, but this takes a lot longer and by that time, no more bets may be called. The Hybrid has the benefit of high accuracy without taking long. Plus a simple addition later will take partial rotor revolutions like the Uber computer does, so we can get highly accurate predictions in as little as 1.5 - 2 seconds after ball release, but that's a lot sooner than we need anyway.
Player 2: Gets prediction 1000ms later than player 1 (at +1500ms from "perfect")
Players 3+ (as many other players as you want): Gets 1000ms later than player 2 (at +2500ms from "perfect")
Work has already begun on re-arranging the processes followed by the wireless components, which will ensure that all players get prediction in less than +500ms from "perfect".
Luckily the programmers have just about finished the modification anyway, and I should be able to test it tomorrow (if I have time, otherwise will do it when away). Either way again I will be away for 2 weeks starting in a few days, so the fully complete hybrid wont be available until at least 2-3 weeks from now anyway because it will need to be fully tested on a wheel.
JAA appears to be working perfectly now, provided you are using a spin profile with no illegal characters. There have been a few reported issues but from what I can see, it is from incorrect software use instead of a bug. If your existing profile has illegal characters, then you may need to create a new profile and let the software inform you if you entered illegal characters. The exception is the import spins feature isn't working, but the programmer now knows about it, and it should be fixed within 24hrs.
General Schedule:
I'm coming to the end of a tax audit (despite the inconvenient timing), which isn't a problem as I've always adhered to regulations. Most of it is already done but the accountants need more material from me to be in pristine order. This must be my first priority before I leave because I won't have access to my filing cabinet for 2 weeks. Nevertheless everything that needed to be done for players has been done, with the exception of some shipping, and live support meetings. I will do the shipping tomorrow but can only do live support meetings when I return. That's why I did the extra instructional videos today.
My last day working before I leave will be tomorrow (Friday) so if you need something done, please clearly make your request before morning tomorrow my time.

Uber Roulette Computer Instructional Videos and Support (all players please read)

I've created some new videos and listed the main ones at http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php?action=kb;area=article;cont=46
As explained previously, these videos were done because it is not practical for all players to attend a live support meeting at the same time. I will still be doing a video showing everything being actually applied in a real situation (real spins), and this video will be done some time when I'm back.
I understand that to me it is simple, but new players still struggle to understand parts – especially when English is a player's second language. It is important to me that everyone gets full use of the roulette computers, so I will continue to give all the support that is needed.
The next steps are the long video demo as explained above, and then anyone can ask me specific questions to clear any points.
Very importantly, there are still players who request that I meet them or spend hours on the phone. But the questions I'm asked are clearly addressed in the instructions, which indicates the player hasn't even read the instructions. I agree to give everyone the support that's needed which includes close personal support, but players need to understand I spend a lot of time making clear and details instructions and videos so I can help as many people as possible. PLEASE, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AND WATCH THE VIDEOS BEFORE YOU ASK ME ANYTHING. I guarantee if I've been asked the question more than a few times, then I've added the answer to a video, the instructions or the knowledgebase. It does no good to complain you aren't getting my time in person or on the phone when you haven't even read the material I've prepared for you.
The knowledgebase is in the forum. Links to the main videos are also in the knowledgebase. The instructions are constantly revised to make them simple but thorough. If you can't find the answers you need, that's when you need to contact me.
Again understand I sincerely want to help everyone, but when one player asks me a question about something that isn't clear in the instructions, and a second player asks me a question that clearly indicates they haven't bothered to read the instructions, then my response to the second player will be 'please read the instructions' because I already have limited time. But for the first player, I'm happy to dedicate all the time they need because I know they are helping me too by checking all material I prepare.

Messaging me in the Player Forum

Just a reminder NOT to message me in the player forum using the PM feature. This is because it is difficult for me to manage correspondence via the messaging system. For support, please only either use the player contact form at http://www.genuinewinner.com/players.html or email me directly. If you have already sent me messages this way, please resend them via email or the form.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

JAA Issues

As expected there have been some issues with JAA after the developments, but most of the issues are already fixed and the others are being worked on. Full functionality is expected to be restored within 24hrs.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

JAA Data

The JAA spin database has become enormous, which is causing additional performance issues. This is not a programming issue, it is a limitation of the hardware and when it gets to such sizes, the only option is to split the database. But this is not so simple. If you have old data you don't use any more, please remove it. But unfortunately this is not the end solution because the database will continue to grow. Before it becomes a serious problem, work is being done on a new version of JAA from the ground up. I didn't originally anticipate so many people would be using it, all but the load on the server would be so large. The new version will incorporate the additional pattern as explained earlier, and this will mean it is even easier to use because less data is required for analysis. I'll provide more details about this closer to release date.
Again always keep your own records of your data, so that any issues with the database are not a serious problem.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Uber Training

I'll be doing the training video for the Uber roulette computer early next week. It will be very informal and will just cover everything from start to finish, just as I would if you visited me personally. For now, the video is preferable to an online meeting because many people are unable to attend because of the time zone differences. I know many of you prefer personal meetings, but rest assured I'll will be very thorough and clear, and you can always ask further questions if required.

Important JAA Updates

Some players have reported the corruption of their data. This is because a few players unintentionally inserted specific text characters which caused problems with the database. The programmers have now made changes that will restrict what text characters you can enter into any of the fields. The only allowed characters are basically letters and numbers. If you try to enter anything else, you will see a warning and can click the link to go back and remove the illegal characters.
If your data already has illegal characters, you may be able to correct them then continue, but in some cases this wont be possible. If you have followed the instructions and have backed up your data to an excel chart, none of this will be a problem.
Nevertheless, a new JAA version is being made that will apply an additional pattern type. This has been in development for a while and essentially what it means for players is higher accuracy AND simpler application because the additional pattern type will replace an element the current JAA applies. I'll post more about it closer to release date.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Funding for partners

Generally I don't accept partners that don't have reasonable funds to get started. This is because you need bankroll, time to play, and often money to travel to suitable casinos that you must have yourself. I still accepted teams that showed enthusiasm and dedication, despite their initial financial situation. Many such teams still haven't gotten off the ground as they don't have enough money to start. If you already live near a suitable casino, then $500 is usually enough to begin which really isn't much. But I can understand some of you may not be in position to risk even this. If you thoroughly understand how to play, and test thoroughly without real money, you will see it more as a well calculated investment.
I can provide funding from $500 – $2000 to help such teams get started. However, players tend to be more reckless when it isn't their money to risk, which is why any partners in need of funding must have very clearly demonstrated they know how to apply the technology, and are overall in a good position to profit. This includes explaining everything about where you play, the assessments you have done, and the approach you intend to take. Basically you must have demonstrated having done proper research and preparations to the point where you already know the results you will achieve, but only need the bankroll to get started. It is not an invitation to be taken advantage of and I very carefully assess each request.
If funds are lost, you wouldn't need to repay them although the partnership likely wouldn't continue. So it is in your best interests to be honest about results. If you achieve the intended regular success and building of bankroll, then the funds will need to be returned in addition to the usual winnings split.

Uber Update & Schedule From 20th Sep

Uber Update: An Uber roulette computer update is available. It is designed to make application of auto target easier. Some phones will be capable of running the update, but others wont. Every phone has a unique id I log so I know which version everyone has. If you want to get the update, let me know and I'll advise whether or not its possible with the phone you have.
Away from 20th Sep: I'll be away from 20th Sep to about 7th October. I'll still have email access although it will not be as frequent. If you want the above update done before I leave, I'll need to have received your phone by early next week, which means international players need to ship in the next day or so. Anything else I need to do will be done before I leave.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hybrid V3

I've created a video explaining how the V3 is actually used, and a bit more about it. This video is for actual users of the technology only as it shows more than the public videos.
For players who have stated their intentions to acquire the V3, please contact me and ask for the video download link. Then review the video, and confirm your intention to proceed. Then the next step is a live demo.
If you've already made a payment then I'll be sending the video link to you directly.
Basically all that's left to do is:
* The data is being transferred between each component, but one of the text strings (pieces of data) is missing and we don't know why. So we are going to try and combined everything into the string that is working.
* The multiple phones are not yet working fully but not far off
* The codecs on the main computer need tweaking so the video runs smoother
* Implementation of security features (the security is already done, but just needs to be combined with the main software)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Delay with emails

I've been delayed with emails but will be back up to date my the end of tomorrow. Please don't re-send emails.

Monday, August 26, 2013

JAA Update and Hybrid V3

JAA Update: We've begun work on a JAA update. Although JAA has the auto analysis feature, the interface and general procedures can still be simplified. So the aim of the update is to make auto analysis much simpler to use. To give an idea, it may take a new player a day or so to learn how to use the software. The updated version will take a new player a few minutes to learn, and it will be much more intuitive. The updates don't cost players anything, but will make a huge difference especially to players who barely understand English, or perhaps struggle with basic PC use.
Hybrid V3: We're at the point where it can actually be used, at least as a single player. Functionality for multiple players is still being worked on because there is additional wireless parts to be integrated. There are also a few very minor bugs to iron out, but otherwise everything is working beautifully. It can be anywhere from 1 – 10 or so days for the one-player functionality to be flawless, and then a bit longer for the multiple player functionality. Finally I'm happy with where everything is. But I wont be letting progress slow down – its only complete when fully complete.

Friday, August 23, 2013

For JAA System Players

It addresses the main reasons why players don't succeed with the JAA software, and how to use it correctly. It's basically like a troubleshooting guide that addresses the main points you need to watch. Nothing about it is complicated, but the points are critically important.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hybrid V3

I'm heavily testing the V3 on live spins. Besides a few minor bugs, it is working perfectly. The minor bugs are things like sometimes the device runs out of memory and this causes a crash. This is because of something like the buffer is not being cleared properly – it is usually an easy fix. Another issue is I can only move the detection areas when the video is moving, not paused video as it should be. These are minor issues and being sorted out. So we are very close to the end now. Still difficult to give an exact time for full completion. We are just tidying up now.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Scheduled JAA Server Downtime

The programmers are doing some maintenance on JAA so there will be some expected downtime. It shouldn't last long so most players wont notice it, but I'm notifying everyone just in case.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Uber Video Tutorials

Soon I'll be creating the video tutorials for the Uber roulette computer. If you want something specific addressed in the videos, then please visit http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php/topic,6633.0.html
You will need to login to the forum to post your request.
Please also note that when it comes to the automated target feature, it will mostly pertain to the current version. The upcoming new version will be much simpler to the point where the user just clicks buttons, and can forget about the little details.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Uber Update & Training

Uber Update:
Surprisingly the major part for the Uber update is complete. It wasn't anywhere near as difficult to code as I expected. Although it is having problems running even on the new phones. It may be a simple problem like a screen resolution issue because it runs well on the phone simulator. But either way the progress is much quicker than expected. The other part is much simpler. I need to discuss code implantation with the programmer first, then it will be integrated into the main application. All up it should be finished in about 2-3 weeks from now instead of the 1 month I expected. I cant give solid dates yet but will give an update as things progress.
Uber Training:
We're doing a training meeting for the Uber which covers every little thing from start to finish. I've promised many people to do this live, but the timezone differences make it difficult for everyone to attend. So first I'll do a recording of everything and will publish it for players to see. It will be very clear and detailed, even down to how to hide the computer. After you've seen the recordings, then you can still have a live meeting with me if needed. The purpose of the recordings is to reduce the amount of people that need live help.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hybrid V3

The programmers have sent each other respective completed parts of the Hybrid and are now testing it together. It appears we've seen the last of the wireless issues, and now the rest is just completing the wireless integration, testing, and fixing any bugs we find.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Uber Version

A new version of the Uber will be released soon. It will essentially provide improvements for auto target. It makes it even more automated to the point where you just take your timings and let the computer do the rest. I've said many times the Uber cant get more accurate, but it can be made easier to use the advanced techniques. For players that don't understand how to apply auto target but need it, it will make a big difference.
The procedures for target application will be much the same. But you wont need to worry about which areas of the wheel where the ball falls give the most predictable spins, because all of that will be done automatically. The Hybrid V3 and V4 will have this capability, and so will the new Uber.
Unfortunately as mentioned previously, the phone buffer size for the usual phones are insufficient. I sincerely detest going through the processes of working with new phone models because of what is required, but this mod is worth it. This also means I have a lot of phones in stock that wont be used as I intended, so they will be used for another purpose such as temporarily bringing back the lite computer version – I will decide what to do with them later.
I'll provide more detail closer to completion.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hybrid V3 Timing Accuracy Improvements

The updated Hybrid now gives accuracy within 1.5ms for a single revolution. This is a lot better than we need. Previously it was 5ms. Again this is for a single revolution. If multiple revolutions are timed, then the error halves. It is overkill for most conditions, but it means in the very tough conditions where an early prediction is needed (where no more bets is called very early), it will get ACCURATE predictions early enough. Anyway work is continuing with integration of the wireless.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hybrid V3 Wireless

Finally the wireless is working properly. We separated the wireless parts from the program. I hired 3 other developers to resolve it, each working independently of each other. The original developers and one of the new ones both resolved it.
While this was being done, one of the developers also refined parts of the detection module (the part that measures the ball and wheel timings, and tracks the wheel). The improvements are the ball is more accurately detected at high speeds. This is when on video, the ball is just a blur and looks nothing like a ball. From testing it appears detection at any speed is 100% accurate. Also the setup procedure is now even easier.
From here, we just need to integrate the wireless into each component, then test. Because now the wireless is working, we can uncover what other parts need attention on the actual hardware. General bug-fixing is part of the final testing.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Uber Shipping

Just confirming to those who are waiting, I have already shipped the Uber computers. I just haven't had time yet to send the email with all tracking details, but will Monday.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guaranteed & Risk-Free Profit from Casino Bonuses?

This will interest anyone wanting risk-free profit from casino and bookie bonuses. A while back one of my roulette players informed me about a method he has been very successful with. It's nothing to do with roulette though. It's about using the bonuses from online bookmakers. You basically use the bookmakers money against them to make profits without risk. At the time the player informed me about it, he had made about $1200 in a few months. A few months on and he's up to $3000. And recently another player reported similar success. The profits may be relatively small but both players stand by it and it appears to work without any risk, and the principles do appear sound.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hybrid V3 & V4, and Email Responses

I've been testing the releases from the developers. It appears all coding for the data collecting and processing is complete. That is the user can record video, track the wheel and ball, and obtain accurate timings. And the phones can process the data to give predictions and run the routines that tell each part what to do and when. But what's missing is still the CONNECTION between each hardware component.

One way of explaining is say we were building a house. All the rooms are complete and furnished. But what's missing is the hallway that connects each room.
As per my previous posts, the wireless is not so simple. While the current developers are still working on it, I've now hired additional developers to work exclusively on the wireless communication. Not just one developer, but several who are all being paid to do the same thing. While its an expensive way to do it, its not like the project will be a loss.
If you are a purchaser, as compensation I've decided to give you the V4 at no charge. It is basically the same as the V3, but running on a smartphone. It is just a matter of converting the applications to run on a different device and will take about 2 months to complete. The beginnings of development can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXSsZntNZRw
Most of my time has been dedicated to the V3, so I'm behind on emails but will be up to date by the end of tomorrow.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Hybrid and Emails

Hybrid: I've received prototypes of components to test, but will need to test this Monday. Then I will have a better idea of what is left to do, and we can start to use it.
Emails: I couldn't complete all my emails but will be up to date by the end of Monday. It has been a crazy busy week but should be back to normal towards end of next week. Please don't re-send emails.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hybrid V3

All coding is just about complete. Today the programmers are meeting to connect each part and test the wireless. This will reveal what, if anything, is missing. Loose ends will be tied up. Then towards the end of the week or mid next week, I may be doing testing on the live wheel. From that point, it would likely be ready for use although we can expect some minor tweaks will be needed.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Hybrid V3

By Wednesday, all major coding is expected to be complete. The programmers have each just about done all parts, and are now testing with dummy timings to test all the sending and processing of data is complete. Once they're confident everything is running smoothly for them, they'll send me everything for testing. This is when I'll be testing against real live spins with the actual equipment.
I expect there will be issues I'll find that they didn't see, then I'll just explain what needs to be corrected. Of course its possible that they wont miss much if not anything at all, but its unlikely with a project of this size.
So basically we're about to move into the final testing phase.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hybrid V3 Update

The mobile phone coding is almost complete. All that's left to do is:
1. Some integration with the central computer, just so each part knows what to do with the transmitted data.
2. The last bit of the mobile phone coding which allows for virtually any number of receiver phones. You could have 10 bettors at the table, not that it would be needed though.
You can use this Hybrid version alone, because you don't even need to look at the wheel to get a prediction. All the timings are automatically established. But typically you will have 2 operators – one wearing the hidden camera, and both players with hidden phones that tell both of you where to bet. You will both usually receive different numbers to bet on so you can place more bets in less time.

A few players recently asked me about the wireless and how secure it is.
The only other wireless computers that give you multiple different numbers are the Lite and Uber computers. This capability is critical if you want to cover all the numbers you need. Some of you are aware of another wireless computer from another vendor, but it uses a simplistic bluetooth muse with:
1. Emission a constant radio signal that is easily detected
2. Sound is badly distorted if you move
3. Range is very short (1-2m)
4. Simply repeats the sound heard by the computer wearer, which defeats much of the purpose of using a second player
The problems with this are it is easily detected, lacks functionality to cover more numbers in less time, gives poor quality sound, and is generally a cheap shortcut for what the wireless should do.
You cannot connect a $50 bluetooth muse (wireless headset) to any of my computers – it is very different technology. All wireless technology I produce uses short bursts of radio signals that to a proper scanner appears as random radio chatter. The frequency changes, and is an encrypted digital signal. So there is no quality loss, 50m range, intercepting it is virtually impossible, and location tracking is impossible because the signal is never the same.
The Hybrid wireless is exactly the same. The original person who designed our wireless once worked for Australian Police to develop wireless surveillance equipment. In high roller rooms, it is more important to use proper covert wireless, in addition to behave like you're not using any roulette computer or visual ballistic technique.
Developing proper algorithms to account for all major variables that determine winning number is one thing. But getting away with the winnings is another, and we can't take shortcuts on this. If we were prepared to use a basic bluetooth muse of phone headset, we would have been finished the Hybrid V3 a long time ago.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

JAA Update Complete

A few updates to JAA are complete and will be installed on the server shortly. The main one is importing spins from the mobile phone. So if you use the mobile phone to collect data, you can import the text file with all data. Simply load the spin profile you want to save the spins in, then follow the prompts to import. There were also a few enhancements to speed up auto analysis.
Next will likely be the integration between server and mobile phone, which will make application of JAA even easier. You simply use the hidden phone to import spin data, and it tells you where to bet automatically without even needing to save data, write something down etc. The only thing that would make it easier from there is automated data entry like using image recognition cameras like the hybrid, but that's excessive.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Hybrid V3 Progress

Current progress below:
Part 1. Main component (central computer) that tracks the wheel location, and rotor / ball timings (100% complete): This is the "high tech" part and it works perfectly.
Part 2. Mobile phone and central computer data processing (90% complete). This is the set of procedures that tell each component what it needs to do with the data, how to reset and wait for the next spin etc.
All the mobile phone parts are done, except for telling the central computer when to start actually tracking the wheel, but this part is simple. The central computer still needs to have a few extra routines although they are minor.
Part 3. The wireless communication (90% complete): The communication is working perfectly on a MAC O/S, but there are still issues on a Windows PC. Specifically it works on one Windows PC, but not another and we just need to find out why to ensure the central computer (PC) is working as it should. It is just a matter of using the right drivers.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Online Casino Bot Upgrade

The bot for online casinos now allows 2000 spins before unlocking is required. It was previously 500 spins. Download the new version from the same location.

Hybrid V3

The wireless messaging is working two-way but has a cache issue that causes instability, although it shouldn't be difficult to fix. It's more about bug fixing.
So the work done is:
Part 1. Main component (central computer) that tracks the wheel location, and rotor / ball timings (100% complete): This is the "high tech" part and it works perfectly.
Part 2. Mobile phone and central computer data processing (70% complete). This is the set of procedures that tell each component what it needs to do with the data, how to reset and wait for the next spin etc. This is straight-forward coding and about a week from completion.
Part 3. The wireless communication (80% complete): this is what caused the main delays because different devices have different firmware, and they need to work together. Now its more bug fixing to ensure the connections are reliable.
Once part 2 is complete, its just a matter of ensuring the connection is stable, then testing.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Uber Update

Work has begun on an Uber Update. The modifications are more to do with making the advanced methods much easier to use. Already auto target does much of the work without much effort, but this update will be more about automatically isolating the individual spins on which the ball will fall most predictably. It is closely related to the existing auto target, but this will take things even further.
This is not a minor update so it will take around a month. The coding itself is not complex, but working around existing code is so we don't create bugs.
Unfortunately it will not work on all phones because a lot of data needs to be stored, which is more than the phone's native firmware supports. It is possible that some existing phones will only need various tweaks without a firmware upgrade, but we wont know until further in development.

Monday, May 20, 2013

JAA and Hybrid V3

JAA: The JAA software has had an update to security to protect from hackers. If the hacker could try again to assist with testing, it would be much appreciated. Additionally, soon the latest version will be installed, which will add features like importing spins from text file etc. I'll announce when its available, then ask that players report any issues/bugs.
Hybrid V3: The delay is because the wireless communication between different parts is very fiddly. The electronic components use different firmware, and the conflicts cause instability with the wireless transmissions. In the last 24hrs we identified that this is because the central component uses a 64 bit operating system which is "buggy" when it comes to wireless communication. So we are testing on a 32 bit system asap. Like some of you, many plans for me are on-hold until this Hybrid version is complete. There's barely a minute of the day where I'm not thinking of how to speed progress up. Unfortunately this part is very tedious and painful and we can only wait while we sort out the issues. Remember though, the main parts that deal with the tracking of the wheel (including getting all timings) are already done and working perfectly. The only issue is now just wirelessly sending those timings between the various components.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Calls & Email responses

Just a note that tomorrow I'll be away until midday so can only take calls when I return. In between calls, I'll respond to the rest of emails.

Hybrid V3

The programmers informed me this morning that they are "a few small bits from full completion". There was an issue where one component would send the wireless message no problem, but on the second message, a crash occurs. So they just have to fix this issue then tidy up. There's nothing else I know for now.

JAA Hackers

The damage isn't completely repaired and it is causing come problems. The programmers are working on it right now so it wont be much longer until we get stability back.  For anyone asking me to do something like give them access, look at their spins etc, please wait for my announcement that JAA is running properly again and then send me your request, because I can't do anything about it for now. The auto analysis appears to be working, which is the main part, but some of the other elements are having issues.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This is BETTER Than Any Roulette System or Computer

In a previous email, I mentioned I would explain alternate ways for you to achieve financial independence. After all, you want to beat roulette to make money. But it's freedom you want, not the money itself, right?
If you are tired of the constant grind to make money and are looking for a way to achieve freedom to live "your way", then visit this site:
It explains how to:
* Purchase land at $2,000 per acre
* Build an affordable but large and luxurious eco-friendly house
* Produce 90% of your own food and water
* Generate your own electricity and never pay an electricity bill again
You will own house and land at about 1/20th of the price, without any debt. And you wont work anywhere near as hard.
This program is designed by my associates. I've assisted them with their website and am telling you about this as it concerns anyone who is sick of working so hard, which is just about everyone. It is not about making money and the founders don't profit. It is about comfortable living without debt, and without needing as much money.
First visit www.yourway.org.au and if you like the concept, sign up at the forum at http://www.yourway.org.au/forum/ which is brand new and just being released today. It will be heavily promoted soon and will have many new members.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Hybrid V3

I've seen the latest build and basically it is at the point where we have the wireless communication between each component. Now it is just a matter of the software sending / receiving the right data. It is difficult to predict when this will be complete to the point where everything is functioning as technology that can be used in the casino environment. This could be anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks based on the progress rate.
There is still some bonus payment remaining for the programmers. If this expires too and still there is not full completion, the next move is to assess exactly what is left, and decide if additional programmers are needed.
With all things considered, it is still in the "typing up loose ends" stage and it would not be viable to hire other developers. We just need to wait it out and I'm doing everything I can to ensure everything that can be done to move things along is being done.
On another note, while we were waiting for one of the programmers to return after a 2 week break, the other programmer worked on some modifications that enable the computer to better track the wheel if the player needs to change position. For example, if another player takes you spot in front of the wheel, you will just be able to stand in a different position. This part is complete. Shown below is a brief screenshot of testing, but a video will be made available to purchasers later. The image is from live video when we are standing over the wheel. The original screen capture is from a SIDE view of the wheel. The computer recognizes the change of angle/view and the new dimensions of the wheel, which is not an easy thing to program. Of course you don't need such an overhead view of the wheel. You only need to stand where the camera can see the ball and green zero just passing.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hybrid V3

As I anticipated, the initial deadline for the bonus was not met by the programmers. So they lost $2000 each and the bonus will continue to deplete at $2000/week each until full completion or until there is no bonus left. However, they've advised me they're sending the result of their work so far, and it includes "major" developments. I expect to receive the latest software within 24hrs for testing. I'll give another update after testing.

Friday, May 3, 2013

JAA Back Online

JAA is back online, except the signup form which will be fixed shortly. We've made changes so what they did is no longer possible. They only caused a temporary inconvenience mainly to the players and programmers. Players were probably most inconvenienced because an earlier database needed to be restored, so newer data was lost. This is why you should always backup your spins, and as far as I know all players do. There is speculation about who the hacker is. Basically who cares. Earth has no shortage of clowns.
Updates: The latest JAA updates are about to be installed on the player server. I'll announce when they are available. The updates are mainly you can import loads of spins from a text file, which is perfect for the system phone users (no more manually entering data) as you will save a lot of time. And the critical parameter will be set automatically based on the amount of spins you have in a profile, per direction.
Already the wheel profitability rating is displayed, so you know which wheels to focus on. This is the only rating you need IF you have over 300 or so spins. But if you have far fewer spins, you may get a wheel rating that is unrealistically high. In other words, the more spins you have, the more reliable the wheel rating is. So to make it more foolproof especially for new players, later we'll introduce an automated feature that just tells you something like YES OR NO to play on the wheel, in addition to giving the wheel rating.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

JAA Temporarily Unavailable

The JAA interface server was attacked by hackers twice in the past few days. Again they haven't accessed the program itself, but this time they managed to disable access to players. We know how it was achieved and changes are being made to prevent it from happening again. The hackers could be anyone and we could pursue it but it is comparatively a waste of time. With the changes we're making, they wont be able to do it again. I expect everything to be back to normal within 24hrs.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hybrid V3

The programmers are have now travelled to work together in the same room. I just spoke to them and they aim to be complete within 3 days from now. They have expressed they fully understand the requirements, and that all the complex parts are already done. The rest is just straight-forward coding and testing.
The deadline before their bonus decreases is 4th May. After this point, the bonus decreases by $2000/week for each of them, until there is no bonus. The deadline is extended whenever I receive software to test. So if I take 1 day to test, then the deadline extends by 1 day.
Will it be fully complete in less than a week? Personally I doubt it because there are always annoying but non-critical issues that you didn't expect, and they slow progress. But certainly they have a strong incentive to make it happen ASAP.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Calls today and JAA

Calls Today: It's a public holiday today so I wont be available for calls. There may be some exception as specific people have been trying to reach me for some time.
JAA: Various updates are now complete but haven't been implemented on the player server yet as more testing is needed. This includes spin import, and automation of the "min spins" feature that some players are (were) confused about. Next will be integration of the mobile phones to analysis server, finally.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

JAA Important Note

Because one important data requirement has changed as explained in the forum post, some of the older data you have in the software will not give you an accurate analysis. It is not difficult to correct old data but you will need to re-enter it unless it follows the new guidelines.

Updated JAA now available

The updated JAA software is now on the player server. I couldn't find any bugs on the test server, and it should be exactly the same on the player server. But report any issues you find. The modifications are explained in the forum.
There is another update being done too, and is almost complete. This will automatically select the parameters that some players don't understand, which makes application even easier.

Calls Today, Friday and Monday

I'm expecting more calls than usual today so I probably wont be able to take all calls. I know some people have been unable to reach me in the past, and its possible they may not reach me again. So in addition to today, I'll be making myself available from 9am – 4pm +10 gmt on both Friday and Monday.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hybrid V3 Purchases

Many players are asking about the Hybrid V3, in particularly about if I am selling more. I only originally wanted to sell two of them, both of which are now sold. This helps with development costs. The only others will be used by my teams. With the development costs as they are especially with the bonus to developers to meet the deadline, I expect to sell more towards the end of this month. There are approximately 10 teams that have expressed serious intent and ability to purchase, and many others that have shown interest but may not be in position to purchase.
The terms of purchase are $30k deposit then you visit me to see everything in person, and pay the balance of $50k. You do not need to visit me, but I prefer you do because it is a large purchase and I want you to learn from me in-person.
If you are in position to purchase and have actual intent to purchase, keep an eye on this blog and subscribe to email updates. Because once I confirm availability of more units, I expect they will be claimed within 24hrs. It is not simply a matter of first-come-first-served as I have promised some teams the opportunity to purchase if more became available (existing players of my other technology). In all there will likely be between 2-5 more units made available, but again it is NOT certain and I'll decide around early May.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Roulette Computer Players: Important Checklist

If you are new to the roulette computer and are losing, see the page at http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php/topic,6578.0.html which is now also added to the instructions.
It is a basic outline of the most common mistakes that players make. Ultimately it is about correct wheel evaluation. Always you must correctly evaluate the wheel. If you correctly evaluate the wheel, you will know exactly which settings to use, and the results you will achieve even before you load the computer.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hybrid V3 - new programmer, and Card-reader

Hybrid V3 Progress:
I've now hired the new developer. The financial incentive for the deadline to be met is very strong. Basically they receive double the payment if everything is complete and ready for actual use ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE. If there is a sure way to be assured of rapid progress, this is it. Perhaps I should have done this earlier. Nevertheless it is done now.
There is incentive to finish BEFORE the due date, so considering everything, the Hybrid V3 should be ready for actual use in 2-4 weeks.
X-ray / Card-Reader
This is regarding the technology to see through cards (ie blackjack). I recently invested $10,000 proceed with further development. It is going to cost more than I initially thought, but we know for a fact it can be achieved because it already has been achieved. But further development is needed. With one of the adaptations of the technology, it can take 30+ seconds to get a clear enough image of the card. This time needs to be shortened because cards are moved in less than 30 seconds.
Also it is not "x-ray vision" as such, but we call it that as it's a simple analogy. At this stage I cannot state a release date. Over the past few days with the testing and development of JAA and working with the V3 programmers while trying to keep up with emails and paperwork, I need a mini vacation. Nevertheless I'll be up to date on emails etc by the end of tomorrow.

Hybrid V3

One of the programmers accepted my incentive to have full completion within 2 weeks. Basically for every week that goes past the deadline, the incentive decreases by $2000. So there is ample encouragement to finish ASAP.
But one of the programmers has been unable to continue for personal reasons. However, the work he needed to do is relatively straight-forward. I will have a new developer to fulfill his role shortly. So far there are an ample 120 applicants and I'll choose one within 48hrs. As with previous programmers, it will take him/her about a week to understand existing code. But the rest may only take about 2 weeks.
So overall if things go to plan, we should have the fully working prototype ready for full-scale testing in roughly 2-3 weeks.
Again all the hard parts are already done. This includes automatically tracking the wheel, and all timings. Its just the last bit involving wireless communications that needs to be done.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Uber FRENCH Instrictions now available

The French version of the Uber instructions are now available. As with the German version, the translation is included with the English version. So see www.genuinewinner.com/software.html for download instructions.

Updated JAA Instructions

The updated JAA instructions are now available. But instead of being an independent document, they are now in the primordials document. So to obtain them, see www.genuinewinner.com/software.html
The latest version of the software isn't available on the player server yet, but will be soon.

Hybrid V3 Progress

I'm not convinced the programmers are dedicating enough time to complete the latest Hybrid. So I've offered them a large bonus if they complete by a specified time – basically double the original amount. I've explained to them that if they are unable to give less than 100% commitment, I will have no other option but to hire other developers. My investment in this project has become many times the original budget, but considering it can all be returned within a week, it will be worth it.
Again all the hard parts are done. But in this last part, progress is too stale and its not finished until its ready for use.
If you are finding the wait painful, again I remind you it is far worse for me and I'm doing everything I can to keep things moving towards completion.