Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Funding for partners

Generally I don't accept partners that don't have reasonable funds to get started. This is because you need bankroll, time to play, and often money to travel to suitable casinos that you must have yourself. I still accepted teams that showed enthusiasm and dedication, despite their initial financial situation. Many such teams still haven't gotten off the ground as they don't have enough money to start. If you already live near a suitable casino, then $500 is usually enough to begin which really isn't much. But I can understand some of you may not be in position to risk even this. If you thoroughly understand how to play, and test thoroughly without real money, you will see it more as a well calculated investment.
I can provide funding from $500 – $2000 to help such teams get started. However, players tend to be more reckless when it isn't their money to risk, which is why any partners in need of funding must have very clearly demonstrated they know how to apply the technology, and are overall in a good position to profit. This includes explaining everything about where you play, the assessments you have done, and the approach you intend to take. Basically you must have demonstrated having done proper research and preparations to the point where you already know the results you will achieve, but only need the bankroll to get started. It is not an invitation to be taken advantage of and I very carefully assess each request.
If funds are lost, you wouldn't need to repay them although the partnership likely wouldn't continue. So it is in your best interests to be honest about results. If you achieve the intended regular success and building of bankroll, then the funds will need to be returned in addition to the usual winnings split.