Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hybrid V3

One of the programmers accepted my incentive to have full completion within 2 weeks. Basically for every week that goes past the deadline, the incentive decreases by $2000. So there is ample encouragement to finish ASAP.
But one of the programmers has been unable to continue for personal reasons. However, the work he needed to do is relatively straight-forward. I will have a new developer to fulfill his role shortly. So far there are an ample 120 applicants and I'll choose one within 48hrs. As with previous programmers, it will take him/her about a week to understand existing code. But the rest may only take about 2 weeks.
So overall if things go to plan, we should have the fully working prototype ready for full-scale testing in roughly 2-3 weeks.
Again all the hard parts are already done. This includes automatically tracking the wheel, and all timings. Its just the last bit involving wireless communications that needs to be done.