Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Away for few days

I'll be away from this afternoon, and will be back likely Friday, but possibly Thursday. I will have either very limited or no internet access while away.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Reading instructions

I'm paid to provide support and answer questions. But when a player asks me a question that indicates they haven't properly read the instructions, naturally I don't appreciate it. I take great care writing the instructions for them to be read thoroughly - to save myself time, and to make things convenient for players. Please, before you contact me with questions, make sure you have THOROUGHLY read the instructions. When I'm asked to answer questions that are already answered, it just wastes time.

Realistically, no matter how much I beg people to read instructions, some people will ignore my requests. I've considered creating a support FAQs database but it would be pointless considering almost all questions are already addressed in the instructions - it would just mean I need to spend more time maintaining another source of FAQs. When I find another frequently asked question, I add it to the instructions too. So please, read the instructions thoroughly before contacting me. If players continue to ignore this request, I'll just have to start giving a template response "read the instructions" which may not be so 'warm', but it would be necessary so I have time to support players that do read instructions.

Roulette wheel analysis software glitches in Google's Chrome browser

If you are using Google's Chrome Browser, you may have some glitches with the online software. You are best to use either Firefox or Internet Explorer. Also remember to let the page fully load before you perform another action on the pages. This is because they dynamically update when you select something.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mobile phone spin collection software

This is just about done and should be released in less than a week - at least the actual spin collection part. There is just a small bug that needs correction, then I'll need to stress-test it, which involves trying to make it crash any way possible. Assuming there are no further issues, I'll release it shortly. Again not all phones are compatible with the software - in fact most aren't. I'll give details of suitable models in the player forum.

The integration with the automated wheel analysis software is perhaps a few weeks off as the actual server part is still not complete. But if you are looking for a way to collect all required data without pen and paper, this is it. Although make sure you research laws in your local jurisdiction as using electronics to store or project spin outcomes may be illegal (legal in roughly half the jurisdictions). On this note, make sure you read the following thread in the player forum: http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php/topic,260.0.html

Hybrid V3 Development

The latest release has improvements on how it deals with the camera wearer's position. ie if they move their position, it now better adjusts. It is not quite at the point where it would even deal with the camera wearer doing cartwheels, but it's getting there. I anticipate cartwheels in the casino would arouse suspicion anyway. From a practical sense though, it is important that the hybrid adjusts for different camera angles. This part needs to be done properly so it is taking longer than anticipated, but progress is steady.

Automated wheel analysis software

I've tested the latest version and progress is going very well. The hard part is proving ensuring the programmer's fully understand what is needed. The last test showed they did not understand some of the requirements, but things are easily corrected once everything is understood. It would likely take them about a day more of coding to complete. That doesn't mean it will be available in a day because realistically there is more testing and collaboration to be done. Assuming they allocate sufficient time, and I have time to do proper testing, I expect the software to be available in roughly a week. A more conservative estimate would be full completion and release in about 2 weeks.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

General schedule

I was out for most of today so haven't had the chance to catch up on work like emails. I'll be up to date by the end of tomorrow. Please do not re-send emails.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New online casino bot

I've just uploaded a new version of the online casino bot. It is exactly the same as the previous version, except this one ignores the spaces in the unlock codes I send you. For something so simple, it will save me a lot of emailing back and forth when an issue is so easily resolved. Anyway you can download the new version from the same place, and just install over any current installation.

Roulette data collection software (mobile phone system)

The "mobile phone system" development is going very well. I just tested the data collection component. It works well minus some minor bugs that are being fixed.

Unfortunately it will not work on all phones. This is for a few reasons, but mainly because certain parts of the software require special permission to read and write data to the phone, and many phones don't allow the required permissions. Additionally, the end product will communicate via 3G wireless networks with the automated analysis server, and not all phones have 3G capabilities AND allow custom software to access the 3G capabilities.

Additionally, without firmware modifications, the rotor clocking part will not be as accurate as it could be. But the difference for most phones is only about +/-15ms accuracy which is insignificant for rotor timings.

I will try to produce a general list of acceptable phone models to use, but immediately I can tell you that smart phones cannot be used. They will collect the majority of data without problems, but anything to do with collecting timings are often as much as 300ms inaccurate which can be critical.

I don't yet know when to expect software release. There is still a lot of testing to do. As a rough guess, anywhere from 1-3 weeks.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Automated wheel analysis software - day 1 of testing

I'm right in the middle of testing, just manually entered a load of spins and clicked auto submit then got the error:

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

So it crashed their development server. And that concludes today's testing. It doesn't surprise me as there is a lot that goes on when that button is clicked, but it should be able to handle it no problems if everything is coded correctly. What probably happened is a processing loop is created which overloaded the CPU.

Anyway they're working on it. Fun and games with development. Like I said before, no program is ever perfect the first time - especially complex ones.

Auto online software

My focus for now is fully testing the new auto software - i'm right in the middle of it. I'm reasonably up to date with all other work except spin analysis, and the auto analysis software will help with my time too.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mobile phone system

The mobile phone software that interfaces with the automated wheel
analysis software is complete, with the exception of some final touches.
Plus I will need to thoroughly test it before release, then request
changes, fixes etc. But first the auto analysis software must be tested
so players can start using this asap. The mobile phone software is

So I'm clear on what is what: the automated software will be on the
server at roulettewheelanaysis.com and players can access it via their
PC. But the mobile phone software will enable covert collection of data
and predictions at the table - ie insert the data with a hidden cable,
and you are told when and where to bet.

Hybrid V3 development

Overall we are about 50% complete. We tweaked some of the reacquisition algorithms - this is where the wheel is not in the video (if the camera wearer turns away), then the hybrid needs to determine where it is again. A video of this component in action is at:


In this video, the left part shows the live video (in this case, just a video file). The top right shows what is being tracked. The bottom right shows the wheel being tracked in real-time.

During the video I click "Restart" to show reacquisition of the wheel. It is 100% reliable now. The end product will be able to track the wheel, ball and green zero even if the camera wearer does cartwheels, literally. The work achieved so far is military grade.

There is a lot more that is done that I wont show publicly. But I'm very happy with progress. Completion may be in roughly a month (although it is difficult to say for sure), but then we'll need to thoroughly test everything and tweak for improvements.

Automated wheel analysis software

The programmers have finished the automated analysis software, and have
uploaded it to the test server for me to test. It is not yet on the
actual player server. As with any complex software, I don't expect it to
be perfect and bug-free the first time - it never is. I expect there
will be at least a week of testing and corrections before it is made
available on the player server.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Uber phones

We managed to complete some modifications on another phone model, which is a current model. Considering how difficult it is to find suitable models, this is great news, although a little late as I already bought a load of the other suitable phones. Both have their benefits though.

Sending me spins for analysis

Please do not send me spins in files to analyze. Sending me spins this way takes far more of my time than the new procedures. If you want me to analyze spins for you, upload them all to the online software then submit www.genuinewinner.com/spins.html

If you just email me files asking to look at the spins, I'll still look at them, but I generally put such requests aside and first address emails that take less time to respond to. Then I address your spins when I have more time. This is so I can assist the most people in a set time. I will always analyze spins that follow the new procedures first for the same reason.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Roulette computer support meeting

Tonight the programmer will attempt to fix a very elusive bug that occurs with dual buttons. I've given him information to work with, but it is difficult to replicate and even more so to find out what's happening. Either way, soon I'll schedule a roulette computer support meeting where the latest version will be tested, and advanced training will be done. It will be unsuitable for new players as we'll focus on the advanced settings. If you want to attend, email me and let me know your availability on each day for the week starting 21st November.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Computer shipping

All computer "purchasers" have been shipped to now. Now there are only 4 "partners" I haven't shipped the updated version to yet. It will be done this week. If you're a partner wanting the latest version (advised), you can ship back anytime now - see www.roulettecomputers.com/support.html but you don't include the return shipping fee.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ball scatter (very important)

I've published a very important article about correctly assessing ball scatter at http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php/topic,255.0.html - it applies to all players and is a must-read.

The new mobile phone software will also be capable of doing this assessment. But this will be likely in the second release.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back into things

I just returned and answered some urgent emails. I'll address everything else tomorrow. As expected, there is a backlog of work but I expect to clear most of it by end of Monday my time, or latest end of Tuesday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Important update: Away until Monday

Since yesterday I've been interstate - this is the first chance I've had to post an update. I can read my emails from my phone and have remote access to my pc for extremely urgent matters, but I am simply unable to respond in detail for less urgent matters until monday when I return. I know there are requests for support. I know there are code requests and other matters that need attention. Everyone's emails aren't going anywhere, and I know what needs to be done, so you don't need to remind me. I appreciate everyone's patience and I'll address all emails and matters as soon as I return. If I get the chance to do any work before Monday, I will.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Online wheel analysis software

The login page is now without the https, so it is now

The server is still secure, but we don't need the SSL (https) as it
doesnt transmit financial data like credit card numbers.