Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Online wheel analysis software and roulette computer update

Online wheel analysis software: This is about to be made available. There is still one small change to be done, but it is ready enough to be released. I'll start issuing access codes as soon as I get to my email (likely later today)

Roulette computer update: The programmer hasn't been able to find the time to get things done. As i mentioned previously, this programmer doesn't work for me full time anymore, and if I had new programmers do the work they would take weeks just to figure out what the source code does. So for now all I can do is push the programmer to do the work when he can. He worker a bit Sunday and last night, and will again tonight. It is slow going but at least he is familiar with the source code and firmware integration, and will do the job right.

Before I ship any further computers, for either partners or purchasers, the latest computer update will be fully complete and tested. If you are a purchaser, you can choose to wait for the update, or just receive the earlier version. The on real difference is that the auto diamond targeting feature is easier to use. Ultimately it is so inexperienced players can still use some of the advanced features.