Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Roulette computer mods, calls thursday, and player support meeting

Computer mods: Besides the already known bugs, I haven't been able to find any other issues. The known bugs are not critical for the most important settings, so most users will not encounter them except for one of the bugs. And that bug only means application will take 5-10% longer than it could. It's not 100% perfect so I'm not completely happy, and I'm on the programmer's case to get it perfect asap. But at least for the auto target mod, it works perfectly and I couldn't be happier. I'll start work on the updated instructions.

Calls on Thursday: I have a meeting this Thursday so wont be around to take calls. During the meeting I'll do even more testing of the latest version to further check for issues.

Player support meeting (for computer): Assuming the testing on thursday goes well, after Thursday I'll schedule a player support meeting for the roulette computer. IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND, PLEASE EMAIL ME ASAP AND SPECIFY A RANGE OF DATES THAT SUIT YOU. I expect it will be held about 2 weeks from now, during a weekday.