Monday, February 6, 2012

Wheel assessment software

The wheel assessment software for mobile phones is complete (not the
online software one), but before I release it we're doing one more
mod.*This is the software especially roulette computer players apply to
assess a wheel and determine how consistently the ball rolls on the ball
track. This tells you whether or not you can accurately use target.* The
additional mod will just make the data more "visual" with easy to read
charts. So you wont need to look at numbers and raw data and think -
you'll just look at the charts and see what is possible. It is free for
players but you'll need one of the roulette computer phones to have
accurate timings (lite and above).

Also I have made the decision to definitely stop taking new players but
I havent set a time yet. Again support to existing players wont change,
and the proposed software will be completed. ( ie hybrid v3, phone and
server integration for the wheel analysis software etc). It is far from
leaving roulette completely - just a stop to sales.