Monday, August 22, 2011

IMPORTANT: Away for 2 weeks

I'll be away from 26th August to 12th September. During this time, I will still have internet access, but will be only to respond to higher priority emails. Before I leave, I will be up to date on all spin analysis and emails. But please do NOT request further spin analysis from now until about 15th September.

Before I leave, I will be shipping as many roulette computers as I can. I do not have the stock to supply everyone before I leave, so some people will have to wait until I return. If you are a purchaser and are one of these people, I will compensate you with free equipment such as extra earpieces and induction loops.

I will still be contactable by mobile phone (sms or calls) in case of emergencies. But please, actual emergencies only.

If you need to contact me, please do so via email and keep questions/concerns short, clear and direct. The easier you make it for me, the quicker I can respond to everyone. If you send me a long unclear email, I will temporarily skip over it and address quicker emails so I can help more people in less time.

I understand my absence and unfinished work is inconvenient for some people. But please understand I am very busy 50 weeks of the year, and this 2 weeks is my time to not be busy.
When I return, there is always a huge backlog of work which will take me about a week to catch up on, so don't expect things to be complete the instant I return. Rest assured when I return, everything that needs to be done will be done asap.