Monday, September 6, 2010

Roulette Computer Partnerships

For approved partners that are waiting for their computer: I understand many of you have been waiting a while, and some have even put employment contracts on hold. If you are in this position, rest assured I'll be shipping your computer shortly after the 20th September. If you are an "approved partner", you would have sent me the signed contracts. If you have not yet sent them to me (and if I didn't request them yet), it means you are not yet approved. Not being "approved" does not mean I have declined you outright - it only means I haven't made a decision either way.

As for various partnership applications, understand there are literally hundreds I haven't even read yet. I expect to be complete with them within about 2 months from now - you'll hear from me either way so please be patient.

Again I'll be mostly unavailable between 7-20th September. Please do not expect a response during this time. I'll still have internet access, but it will be very infrequent and I'll access it only for urgent matters.