Friday, May 18, 2012

Auto analysis again

It appears one of the "freezes" for the auto analysis software is an actual freeze, and not the typical delay. This occured with over 2000 spins on the profile. I calculated the number of pemutations required for this many spins, and get more digits that fit in the window. 1000 spins gives a delay of 30 seconds, so 2000 will give a delay of well over 60 seconds (it is not a linear relationship). This would cause the server to timeout, because most servers wont allow the running of any process for more than 60 seconds.

There are two options from here:

1. Upgrade the server (about $300/month for what we need)

2. Have the programmers create processes for temporary files, then break the processing up in parts.

For now I'll just see what the programmers say.

But in all, 2000 spins is a lot more than you would need for auto analysis. Normally you wouldnt need more than 200-300 spins per direction, but on many wheels even 100 per direction is sufficient.

Any upgrades wont cost players. So far the issue only affects one player, and introducing a simple profile split feature is all we'd need, for when auto analysis is used.