Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Roulette Wheel Loans

For players in Australia, I may have previously discussed with you the loaning of one of my wheels (roulette computer players), but said first I needed to do some repairs on them. What are the repairs? The resin is cracked and the ball doesn't roll as it should. This happens to any wheel over time.

I now have what appears to be suitable resin for the repairs - I wont know for sure though until I test. Unfortunately there isn't anyone locally that does the repairs, so I'll need to do them myself which will take a day for each wheel.

Just be aware that when I have the time, I'll work on two wheels I dont use anymore - a traditional mk7 wheel (not the one with velstone ball track) and mk2 wheel (older but still fine for practise). When done, I'll loan them out at no cost, but you'll have to arrange transport.

As I have no idea when I'll have the time for this, please do not rely on getting a wheel. For now, simply use practise DVDs. I'll announce when at least one of the wheels has had repairs done.