Friday, February 3, 2012


I'm at a bit of a crossroads and deciding which of my businesses to close. I find myself not having time for many things. It is between roulette system and computer sales, and another of my businesses. If sales close, this only means sales close - nothing else changes including support. It would only mean I don't need to support additional players. Again no matter what the decision, it does NOT affect existing players in any way.

The whole "not enough time" issue is something I thought the automated software would fix. And certainly it has made things easier for everyone, but the correspondence with players for support still takes a lot of time. The years of software and hardware development and explaining some of the most basic concepts over and over has left me with an inordinate amount of grey hair for my age.

I would rather keep taking new players as roulette is and always will be a primary passion, but unfortunately it takes the most time, and patience. Even just a temporary stop on new players is an option. Either way I'll need to decide soon if I'm to keep the rest of my hair; both colors.