Friday, May 20, 2011

Emails, spin analysis and software development

Lite roulette computer version: The single player lite roulette computer is now complete (detailed at Next week I'll determine a price and distribution can begin. If it interests you, make sure you read so you do not confuse it with the other versions. It is not as effective as the full versions, but still better than any roulette computer device available from any other developer - we made this a certainty. When I am ready to begin taking orders, I'll announce it in various places.

Spin analysis: The programmers are just tying up a few loose ends with the latest spin analysis software. There are only very minor issues, but they need to be fixed before everything is made available to players. I'm behind on spin analysis, but will be up to date by early next week.

Emails: I'm a few days behind on emails, and will be up to date early next week.

Hybrid version 3: I've received the first software build from the programmers. It's very basic to start: only rotor direction detection and speed. There is loads of work to be done and development is very early. This will be discussed in the player only forum: