I'm still testing the latest computer version - it has taken weeks longer than anticipated. All partners and those waiting to purchase can rest assured I have not forgotten - between emails, calls etc I am working with developers full time on this. So while you may not get personal updates, know that progress is being made and you will be contacted as soon as we're done. In particularly if you are waiting as a partner, do not take my lack of contact with you as a sign of a lack of interest in working with you - the situation has not changed, and the issues are purely due to computer testing to deliver a device that, in ongoing testing, is producing truly remarkable results.
Unfortunately all the computer development has caused a lot of delays with my general email and spin analysis response times. I'm well aware of this, so there is no need to follow-up with me. The delays wont last much longer, then things will be back to normal. I'm almost up to date on emails, and will have caught up on all spins by the end of this week.