Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday schedule

I wont be working from 25th December to about 3rd January. I will try to check my email to check for urgent issues, but it won't be frequent. I expect to have at least responded to all emails by the end of today.
I wish everyone a merry Christmas and inebriated new years. 2013 has been extremely busy with a lot of developments for players, and for me in areas both in and out of roulette. I did expect to focus more on non-profit work like www.yourway.org.au and www.unversalsymbiosis.org this year but the other work was quite never-ending. 2014 will be an even bigger year and early on expect some great announcements.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Hybrid V3

As expected it wasn't completed, but good progress was made. Half of the new part was completed but it wont be ready before Christmas. A realistic target is around mid-January for everything, but before then I expect to release another video. I've started preparing the training material.

Old JAA closing 5th January 2014

Just a note to let everyone know I'm closing the previous JAA version on 5th January 2014. From this date, only the new JAA version will be available.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hybrid V3

Again the work now is mostly fixing bugs but we have to re-work some areas, although none of it is major. If it were to be used in casinos now, the processes wouldn't be streamlined or as practical as they should be.
One of the new programmers (two brothers) has started coding. The other just requires a bit more understanding before starting to code his part.
I've made an arrangement with the previous programmer to be paid upon completion in 7 days. In other words if he finishes in time, he gets paid a significantly larger amount. This is not the first time we've made such arrangements. The result is usually good progress is made, but not completion. I expect the same in this case, so the likely result is the additional work done can be passed to the new programmers who are much more reliable.
Depending on the progress each team has made, there may be code-sharing or the work will remain independent.
Christmas and New Years shouldn't delay things too much, perhaps add an extra 4-5 days. This nightmare of a development is really almost over, maybe before Christmas. If it isn't, it wont be long after regardless of who completes it.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hybrid V3

One of the main programmers is really dragging matters on and is being very unreliable, making these last stages of development even more painful. He will continue to work on it while the new programmers work independently of him. The new programmers are mostly still understanding the existing source code so they better understand what must be done. The new programmers are two brothers and I have worked with them both on many other projects over many years, and I always found them to be reliable. While they are not experts in image recognition, it doesn't matter because that part is already done and working perfectly. The wireless is also done, which took a very long time because of hardware limitations.
Again all that remains is a few tweaks and bug corrections. One example is sometimes when video finishes recording, a crash occurs. This is probably a codec issue but we don't yet understand the variables that make it occur. While these may seem like trivial issues, they need to be fixed for reliable application in the casino environment.
How much longer? It could be 24hrs if the existing programmer finally gets organized and does the work he's been paid to do. Or weeks if the new programmers have to complete it. While I know the wait is painful for many of you, it is far worse for me. I will be very happy to be fully up and running with the new programmers (once they start actual coding) because progress will be far quicker. Then we can finally get this running. I cannot express enough how frustrating this development has been for me. We have gone through so many different programmers and encountered just about every imaginable obstacle but when I publish the next update video, involved people will see how close it is to actually being ready to use.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Getting JAA access (new version)

To get access to the new JAA version, simply email me from the email account of yours I have on file. Just send a BLANK email with the subject "New JAA Access". Then I'll check your email is on the permitted list, and reply with access details.
Again the instructions are in the forum's knowledgebase. For now it is just the video, which is really all you need because the new version is much simpler.
The developer is still adding the various parts to it. One of the next parts being done is a modification to the wheel rating system which tells you how confident the software is that the rating is correct. For example, if you test just 5 spins and get a great wheel rating, the software also tells you the rating wont be accurate and that you need more spins.
Anyway I wont give updates on every little part being added because there are many additions on the way. But when a few more of them are done, I'll create written instructions to supplement the video.

Disputes between players

If you are involved in a dispute or argument with a player, please see http://www.genuinewinner.com/player-disputes/

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New JAA version - instructional video

The video tutorial is now at http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=46 (login to forum to see). Experienced players would be able to see the software and know how to use it without further instruction. The idea is to make it so simple that it barely needs any instructions besides a quick video of what to do.
At this stage, the accuracy is about the equivalent of DSA. Remember the reason we had this new version created was because the earlier version became too complex and messy to modify. So everything was being built from the ground up and more advanced features will be added in due course. But the actual procedures to use the software will remain the same, which are very simple and can be learned in minutes.
Eventually I'll create a longer video that explains every little thing about how to use the software, procedures you must follow at the casino etc. The idea is a no-nonsense 20 minute video will clearly explain everything a new player needs to begin achieving the same results as experienced players.
Regarding getting access, I'll publish a separate announcement about this once the software is on the correct server.


The latest version of JAA is now working perfectly, and will be installed on the correct server within 24hrs. I've started working on the instructions, which will not take long to complete because the software is very easy to use. I'll release instructions which will also tell you how to get access.

Monday, December 9, 2013

JAA new version

There is only one minor issue to corrected before release. This will be fixed likely within 24 hours.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

JAA and Hybrid

JAA: Everything is going very well and it appears almost certain it will be released this week. There are only very minor issues remaining, like spelling errors and an extra button that shouldn't be there. The wheel rating system is also being refined a bit more as it will be more accurate.
Hybrid: First programmer: We are still testing and making finer adjustments. Second programmers: still reviewing the source code and specifications and will begin soon.