Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Uber Version

A new version of the Uber will be released soon. It will essentially provide improvements for auto target. It makes it even more automated to the point where you just take your timings and let the computer do the rest. I've said many times the Uber cant get more accurate, but it can be made easier to use the advanced techniques. For players that don't understand how to apply auto target but need it, it will make a big difference.
The procedures for target application will be much the same. But you wont need to worry about which areas of the wheel where the ball falls give the most predictable spins, because all of that will be done automatically. The Hybrid V3 and V4 will have this capability, and so will the new Uber.
Unfortunately as mentioned previously, the phone buffer size for the usual phones are insufficient. I sincerely detest going through the processes of working with new phone models because of what is required, but this mod is worth it. This also means I have a lot of phones in stock that wont be used as I intended, so they will be used for another purpose such as temporarily bringing back the lite computer version – I will decide what to do with them later.
I'll provide more detail closer to completion.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hybrid V3 Timing Accuracy Improvements

The updated Hybrid now gives accuracy within 1.5ms for a single revolution. This is a lot better than we need. Previously it was 5ms. Again this is for a single revolution. If multiple revolutions are timed, then the error halves. It is overkill for most conditions, but it means in the very tough conditions where an early prediction is needed (where no more bets is called very early), it will get ACCURATE predictions early enough. Anyway work is continuing with integration of the wireless.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hybrid V3 Wireless

Finally the wireless is working properly. We separated the wireless parts from the program. I hired 3 other developers to resolve it, each working independently of each other. The original developers and one of the new ones both resolved it.
While this was being done, one of the developers also refined parts of the detection module (the part that measures the ball and wheel timings, and tracks the wheel). The improvements are the ball is more accurately detected at high speeds. This is when on video, the ball is just a blur and looks nothing like a ball. From testing it appears detection at any speed is 100% accurate. Also the setup procedure is now even easier.
From here, we just need to integrate the wireless into each component, then test. Because now the wireless is working, we can uncover what other parts need attention on the actual hardware. General bug-fixing is part of the final testing.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Uber Shipping

Just confirming to those who are waiting, I have already shipped the Uber computers. I just haven't had time yet to send the email with all tracking details, but will Monday.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guaranteed & Risk-Free Profit from Casino Bonuses?

This will interest anyone wanting risk-free profit from casino and bookie bonuses. A while back one of my roulette players informed me about a method he has been very successful with. It's nothing to do with roulette though. It's about using the bonuses from online bookmakers. You basically use the bookmakers money against them to make profits without risk. At the time the player informed me about it, he had made about $1200 in a few months. A few months on and he's up to $3000. And recently another player reported similar success. The profits may be relatively small but both players stand by it and it appears to work without any risk, and the principles do appear sound.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hybrid V3 & V4, and Email Responses

I've been testing the releases from the developers. It appears all coding for the data collecting and processing is complete. That is the user can record video, track the wheel and ball, and obtain accurate timings. And the phones can process the data to give predictions and run the routines that tell each part what to do and when. But what's missing is still the CONNECTION between each hardware component.

One way of explaining is say we were building a house. All the rooms are complete and furnished. But what's missing is the hallway that connects each room.
As per my previous posts, the wireless is not so simple. While the current developers are still working on it, I've now hired additional developers to work exclusively on the wireless communication. Not just one developer, but several who are all being paid to do the same thing. While its an expensive way to do it, its not like the project will be a loss.
If you are a purchaser, as compensation I've decided to give you the V4 at no charge. It is basically the same as the V3, but running on a smartphone. It is just a matter of converting the applications to run on a different device and will take about 2 months to complete. The beginnings of development can be seen at
Most of my time has been dedicated to the V3, so I'm behind on emails but will be up to date by the end of tomorrow.