Tuesday, April 30, 2013

JAA Temporarily Unavailable

The JAA interface server was attacked by hackers twice in the past few days. Again they haven't accessed the program itself, but this time they managed to disable access to players. We know how it was achieved and changes are being made to prevent it from happening again. The hackers could be anyone and we could pursue it but it is comparatively a waste of time. With the changes we're making, they wont be able to do it again. I expect everything to be back to normal within 24hrs.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hybrid V3

The programmers are have now travelled to work together in the same room. I just spoke to them and they aim to be complete within 3 days from now. They have expressed they fully understand the requirements, and that all the complex parts are already done. The rest is just straight-forward coding and testing.
The deadline before their bonus decreases is 4th May. After this point, the bonus decreases by $2000/week for each of them, until there is no bonus. The deadline is extended whenever I receive software to test. So if I take 1 day to test, then the deadline extends by 1 day.
Will it be fully complete in less than a week? Personally I doubt it because there are always annoying but non-critical issues that you didn't expect, and they slow progress. But certainly they have a strong incentive to make it happen ASAP.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Calls today and JAA

Calls Today: It's a public holiday today so I wont be available for calls. There may be some exception as specific people have been trying to reach me for some time.
JAA: Various updates are now complete but haven't been implemented on the player server yet as more testing is needed. This includes spin import, and automation of the "min spins" feature that some players are (were) confused about. Next will be integration of the mobile phones to analysis server, finally.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

JAA Important Note

Because one important data requirement has changed as explained in the forum post, some of the older data you have in the software will not give you an accurate analysis. It is not difficult to correct old data but you will need to re-enter it unless it follows the new guidelines.

Updated JAA now available

The updated JAA software is now on the player server. I couldn't find any bugs on the test server, and it should be exactly the same on the player server. But report any issues you find. The modifications are explained in the forum.
There is another update being done too, and is almost complete. This will automatically select the parameters that some players don't understand, which makes application even easier.

Calls Today, Friday and Monday

I'm expecting more calls than usual today so I probably wont be able to take all calls. I know some people have been unable to reach me in the past, and its possible they may not reach me again. So in addition to today, I'll be making myself available from 9am – 4pm +10 gmt on both Friday and Monday.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hybrid V3 Purchases

Many players are asking about the Hybrid V3, in particularly about if I am selling more. I only originally wanted to sell two of them, both of which are now sold. This helps with development costs. The only others will be used by my teams. With the development costs as they are especially with the bonus to developers to meet the deadline, I expect to sell more towards the end of this month. There are approximately 10 teams that have expressed serious intent and ability to purchase, and many others that have shown interest but may not be in position to purchase.
The terms of purchase are $30k deposit then you visit me to see everything in person, and pay the balance of $50k. You do not need to visit me, but I prefer you do because it is a large purchase and I want you to learn from me in-person.
If you are in position to purchase and have actual intent to purchase, keep an eye on this blog and subscribe to email updates. Because once I confirm availability of more units, I expect they will be claimed within 24hrs. It is not simply a matter of first-come-first-served as I have promised some teams the opportunity to purchase if more became available (existing players of my other technology). In all there will likely be between 2-5 more units made available, but again it is NOT certain and I'll decide around early May.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Roulette Computer Players: Important Checklist

If you are new to the roulette computer and are losing, see the page at http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php/topic,6578.0.html which is now also added to the instructions.
It is a basic outline of the most common mistakes that players make. Ultimately it is about correct wheel evaluation. Always you must correctly evaluate the wheel. If you correctly evaluate the wheel, you will know exactly which settings to use, and the results you will achieve even before you load the computer.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hybrid V3 - new programmer, and Card-reader

Hybrid V3 Progress:
I've now hired the new developer. The financial incentive for the deadline to be met is very strong. Basically they receive double the payment if everything is complete and ready for actual use ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE. If there is a sure way to be assured of rapid progress, this is it. Perhaps I should have done this earlier. Nevertheless it is done now.
There is incentive to finish BEFORE the due date, so considering everything, the Hybrid V3 should be ready for actual use in 2-4 weeks.
X-ray / Card-Reader
This is regarding the technology to see through cards (ie blackjack). I recently invested $10,000 proceed with further development. It is going to cost more than I initially thought, but we know for a fact it can be achieved because it already has been achieved. But further development is needed. With one of the adaptations of the technology, it can take 30+ seconds to get a clear enough image of the card. This time needs to be shortened because cards are moved in less than 30 seconds.
Also it is not "x-ray vision" as such, but we call it that as it's a simple analogy. At this stage I cannot state a release date. Over the past few days with the testing and development of JAA and working with the V3 programmers while trying to keep up with emails and paperwork, I need a mini vacation. Nevertheless I'll be up to date on emails etc by the end of tomorrow.

Hybrid V3

One of the programmers accepted my incentive to have full completion within 2 weeks. Basically for every week that goes past the deadline, the incentive decreases by $2000. So there is ample encouragement to finish ASAP.
But one of the programmers has been unable to continue for personal reasons. However, the work he needed to do is relatively straight-forward. I will have a new developer to fulfill his role shortly. So far there are an ample 120 applicants and I'll choose one within 48hrs. As with previous programmers, it will take him/her about a week to understand existing code. But the rest may only take about 2 weeks.
So overall if things go to plan, we should have the fully working prototype ready for full-scale testing in roughly 2-3 weeks.
Again all the hard parts are already done. This includes automatically tracking the wheel, and all timings. Its just the last bit involving wireless communications that needs to be done.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Uber FRENCH Instrictions now available

The French version of the Uber instructions are now available. As with the German version, the translation is included with the English version. So see www.genuinewinner.com/software.html for download instructions.

Updated JAA Instructions

The updated JAA instructions are now available. But instead of being an independent document, they are now in the primordials document. So to obtain them, see www.genuinewinner.com/software.html
The latest version of the software isn't available on the player server yet, but will be soon.

Hybrid V3 Progress

I'm not convinced the programmers are dedicating enough time to complete the latest Hybrid. So I've offered them a large bonus if they complete by a specified time – basically double the original amount. I've explained to them that if they are unable to give less than 100% commitment, I will have no other option but to hire other developers. My investment in this project has become many times the original budget, but considering it can all be returned within a week, it will be worth it.
Again all the hard parts are done. But in this last part, progress is too stale and its not finished until its ready for use.
If you are finding the wait painful, again I remind you it is far worse for me and I'm doing everything I can to keep things moving towards completion.

Monday, April 8, 2013

JAA Update

The programmers have finished the latest JAA update. I've tested it and it appears perfect. It will be installed on the player server ASAP (may take day or so for programmers). See http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php/topic,6571.0.html for more details about the updates.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Conduct on Player Forum

In light of issues between members on the player forum, please keep in mind players need to conduct themselves in a proper manner. It is inevitable that some people aren't going to get along – especially ex-partners for whatever reason.
The majority of players treat roulette as a serious income source, and they are paying to learn how to win. So I must treat moderation of the forum the be a serious matter. If you do something and know it is going to aggravate another member, don't do it. You are not always going to like other members, but you need to co-exist on the same forum. If another member behaves inappropriately, do not retaliate. Instead, just report the matter to me and I'll discuss it with the member. If you simply retaliate, then your actions are also considered a violation of terms.
In short, please be respectful, and keep the forum is a friendly and productive place where egos are left at the door.

Uber Instructions - German Translation Available

The German translation is available. You just need to download the English instructions which now also contain the links to the German translations. It is more convenient to have translations in one ebook, but the downside is now the file is 20mb. Although this isn't a problem unless you use dialup internet.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Comment Forms on my Websites

On my websites such we www.roulettecomputers.com, the new design has comment forms at the bottom for adding comments to pages. Some players are using these forms to contact me. This is not a good idea as I can easily miss your message. To contact me, only use the form at http://www.genuinewinner.com/players.html or email me directly.

Asking Clear and Direct Questions

Still many players are not asking me clear questions. When you ask me questions, please put careful thought into wording. Understand that when I receive an email from a player, it is very difficult for me to recall everyone's individual situation so I will not recall an email sent a week ago. So ask your questions like I have no prior knowledge of your earlier issues.
* BE SPECIFIC. Don't ask vague questions or you will get vague answers.
* Ask direct and clear questions. Don't write a long paragraph to explain something then end with a vague question. Just ask what you need to know.
I need to help everyone as efficiently as possible, and I do this by ensuring the knowledgebase and instructions are as clear as possible. But everyone also needs to make answering questions as simple as possible for me.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Updated Uber Instructions & Translated Versions

The updated Uber instructions are now available. Simply download from same location. There aren't huge changes – more like a few elaborations. Next I'll get it translated into any language requested. Contact me if you want a translation. But keep in mind the translations are only with Google translate, so they are not perfect.

JAA Update

I've tested the JAA update, and found one minor bug that is being corrected. It shouldn't take more than a day or so to correct. I expect the update will be available to players some time this week.