Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Privacy warning for all players

All players please read http://www.genuinewinner.com/forum/index.php/topic,397.0.html

This contains critical information for all players. Please read the information and take the advice for your own benefit.

Friday, May 25, 2012

online software

Programmers have said they're almost done on a solution for the server freezing with too many spins. It may be fixed before Monday, but I wont be testing until monday.

Roulette computer shipping

I've resumed roulette computer shipping with the first batch being shipped today. You will have been notified if yours was sent. If it hadn't been sent, it will shortly. As usual I must send to purchasers before partners.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

General schedule

For 2 days I've been working with the programmers to upgrade a server. It has been non-stop work so I'm behind on emails. I'll definitely be up to date by the end of tomorrow though.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hybrid V3

The testing of the latest version has shown the timings are accurate to within 5ms. This is for just one revolution, not multiple. So if the actual ball revolution is 600ms, the Hybrid will detect it to within 595-605ms. The earlier version was  accurate to within 15ms which was more than enough anyway.  The 5ms accuracy is a big difference to the 50ms for any manual clocking computer. In simpler terms, the Hybrid v3 produces timings TEN TIMES more accurate than any roulette computer where you click a button to take timings, and it's all done completely automatically. For a manual clocking computer to achieve the same accuracy, multiple revolutions must be clocked, which results in predictions being too late on many wheels. Although the real benefit is that no player needs to even look at the wheel, so more can be won without drawing too much attention.

It is doing this with 30fps video. Anyone inexperienced in these matters may suggest such accuracy is not possible with 30 frames per second video. But the hybrid takes the location of detection and angle into account, then compensates to refine the timing. Distortion of ball image is not at all a problem (what a human and camera sees are quite different).

The actual timings are being tested with a 500 FPS video camera, so there is a negligible 2ms discrepancy.

Considering this is being achieved while the camera is being waved around to try and challenge the equipment, the overall results are better than I expected.

Coding for other hardware the Hybrid uses is about half complete. A full working kit ready for demonstration and/or use may be ready in roughly 2 weeks, but it is more conservative to estimate 4 weeks considering a lot of bug testing may be required. But either way soon I'll send a video to players waiting for it so you can see progress.

Uber shipping

The firmware issue is now fixed, and I can produce builds in a quick and
simple way. So I can resume shipping but considering the programmer is
now working on updates, it would be better to have them done before
shipping. At least one update that is minor and slightly improves
accuracy for auto target. This shouldnt take more than a week. Then I
can continue shipping the Ubers.

The other updates will take a bit longer. For example, the automatic
peak finder. This is more for players new to reading peaks. But it is
also where a lot of players have problems.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Auto analysis again

It appears one of the "freezes" for the auto analysis software is an actual freeze, and not the typical delay. This occured with over 2000 spins on the profile. I calculated the number of pemutations required for this many spins, and get more digits that fit in the window. 1000 spins gives a delay of 30 seconds, so 2000 will give a delay of well over 60 seconds (it is not a linear relationship). This would cause the server to timeout, because most servers wont allow the running of any process for more than 60 seconds.

There are two options from here:

1. Upgrade the server (about $300/month for what we need)

2. Have the programmers create processes for temporary files, then break the processing up in parts.

For now I'll just see what the programmers say.

But in all, 2000 spins is a lot more than you would need for auto analysis. Normally you wouldnt need more than 200-300 spins per direction, but on many wheels even 100 per direction is sufficient.

Any upgrades wont cost players. So far the issue only affects one player, and introducing a simple profile split feature is all we'd need, for when auto analysis is used.

Auto analysis

A few players have reported that auto analysis just "freezes" when it is used. As explained in the forum and in blog posts, this is because the recent updates to make it better make the server do a lot of calculations, and it takes anywhere from 10-30+ seconds for the server to return the results. So the lag is normal.

Players need to keep an eye on blog updates. Not all are relevant to everyone, but many important announcements are made.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It appears I underestimated how much software I actually need for my new PC, so I couldn't finish all emails today. I'm almost complete and will definitely be up to date by end of tomorrow. I know there are pending important matters and they'll all be sorted shortly.

Monday, May 14, 2012


I've just bought a new pc so have been busy today transferring all files and installing programs etc. I'll be up to date on all emails by around midday tomorrow.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

General update

Almost all emails are done. I'll finish the rest by midday tomorrow. There are a few other issues like shipping that I'm getting through.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Email responses

Over the weekend I've received over 200 emails, and I still have other work to do. I'll get to the emails as soon as possible and expect to be up to date by wednesday. Believe me I'm aware of them and will not forget, so please don't resend emails.

Hybrid v3

Soon I'll release another video of the hybrid v3, but it will probably only be for actual purchasers to see where development is at. Essentially already the timings of the rotor and ball are obtained with accuracy to 15ms. Whether or not it can be improved further wouldn't matter as 15ms is exceptional considering manual clocking errors typically have 50ms error.

We are now just fine-tuning things. For example, modifications to increase adapability in different lighting conditions.

Then the last stage is integrating everything so each part of the hardware communicates seamlessly.

Overall, I expect everything should be complete and ready for application in roughly a month. This phase is particularly tedious as we work through each part to ensure you dont encounter a bug in the middle of play. But once you see the video, you'll know the wait was well worth it, and that there isnt long to go.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Online software

A bug was fixed in the online software - it should be the last of them. But I havent had the chance to test it yet. Players who use the online software need to assist me with testing and report their findings. For the next few weekdays I'll be mostly focusing on other business as I wind up roulette product sales. Once I've finished this work, I'll announce the set closing dates. One of the main purposes of working on the online automated analysis software is so players don't need to rely so much on direct support.

Again the stopping of sales doesn't at all mean I am leaving or that I wont be dealing with roulette. I will still very much be active with roulette, including posting on forums and development of technology for my private teams. It means nothing more than I wont take new players (selling products). There may be one exception which is I may offer a very basic roulette computer (that requires virtually no support because it's very simple). It will be very cheap and affordable for everyone. This is because I'd rather not leave people with the only option to buy very poor computers for thousands, only to find the seller lied about its capabilities in modern casinos. Instead, you'll be able to buy a simplistic computer that does exactly the same thing as other simplistic computers do, without needing to pay thousands. There are more free video tutorials to come to help people recognise scams, and a lot more goodies for everyone - all in time though. For example, the completion of the visual ballistics video tutorials - these are methods some consultant charge up to $5000 to teach you, but I them for free because they're nowhere near as effective or practical as roulette computers, or the genuinewinner.com system.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


All emails are up to date. I need to focus on other business tomorrow so am unlikely to respond to new emails tomorrow, but will address any support questions via the player forum.

Online software testing

A few minor bugs have been corrected, but they didn't interfere with the actual accuracy of analysis. One last part needs to be checked, which is being done now. Again it is important that players also help with the testing as its more time consuming with these mods.

As for server delays with the processing of data, the delays are typically 10 - 30 seconds per analysis which is managable. Remember to expect the delay and not to click the analysis button again. The server is running a Intel Xeon E5-2670 2.60GHz CPU which is very fast as it is, so there isn't a lot of room to move for now anyway.

For now, all players should still be testing auto analysis without using real money, until all bugs are sorted out. It may be that everything is correct and completed, but only further testing will establish this.