Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas schedule

I wont be working from Christmas eve to about 2nd January. I will still
briefly check email for anything urgent, but everything else will be
attended to once I'm back. Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Roulette computer support meeting video

Yesterday I had a roulette computer support meeting with 3 sterling
gentlemen. It was to cover some of the advanced settings of the Uber
roulette computer, namely auto target. We also tested dual buttons to
check for an elusive bug. There were a few spins that may have been
affected by the bug, but we found it to occur very infrequently to the
point where it wouldn't make a big difference. It doesn't mean it wont
be fixed - just that it doesn't seem to be a serious issue.

We attempted to simulate conditions where the players applied the
computer last. The predictions we obtained on the mk7 huxley wheel with
velstone ball track, ivorine ball. There were two dominant diamonds, one
opposite to the other. The predictions on my computer were initially 14
seconds before the ball fell. I very rarely attempt such early
predictions because typically the ball track and ball have too many
deformations to get accurate enough predictions that early.
Nevertheless, with auto target I achieved approximately 85% wins
covering 18 numbers. Covering only 5 numbers, the edge was still clear.
The secondary computer (another Uber) applied on the same spins showed
predictions very close to that of my computer.

We later attempted exact diamond hit targeting (diamond hits with low
ball momentum). With such early predictions (13-14 seconds before ball
fall), there was only a marginal increase in accuracy - basically
borderline on it being better to use the simpler auto target.

About the middle of the testing, the ball deceleration rate had
noticeably changed. Overall the ball was traveling approximately 1000ms
less time. With any other computer, the edge would have been completely
lost. However we applied auto target as it was designed, and the edge
was maintained. The uber and hybrid computers are the only roulette
computers available anywhere capable of doing this.

It was recorded, and I'll release the video after editing - mainly
removal of casino names and jurisdictions. The video is roughly 4 hours
long. It may be long and tedious to watch, with frequent profanities and
footage of bare feet, but it contains valuable information.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Uber dual buttons bug

I just spent about an hour trying to replicate an elusive bug with the Uber's dual buttons, but I was unable to replicate it. I have seen it happen before albeit it is rare, but we don't yet know when and why it occurs. There is a support meeting this week and for much of the time, we'll be using dual buttons to see if we can figure it out, then the programmer can isolate and fix it hopefully before Christmas. Because it very rarely happens, I don't expect it would be a problem if you use dual buttons, but any players using this feature should report anything they find. Reports should include exactly what settings you were using, exactly what happened, and when. Without precise information, it is very difficult to isolate the problem and relevant parts of the program.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Roulette computer shipping

As I recently shipped more phones than anticipated, I'm currently out of stock for both the Uber and Lite models. But more are being made/modified. I have plenty of unmodified phones, but they dont run the software correctly and need modifications. The technician has 20 phones at the moment, and is completing them at a rate of about 5 per week although I'll be pushing him to work faster. He has work from other clients that slows him down, but I don't trust another technician to do the job right especially considering how difficult it is to get particular phone models modified correctly.

For the lite computer, the wait will only be until around end of next week as I'll have 5 more units. For the Uber computer, it may be around 2 weeks.

You will have been notified directly about this. To compensate you for the delay, I will be sending some spare equipment for free.

Also all remaining phones that have been sent back to me for whatever reason (eg. software updates), will be shipped back either today or Monday.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Roulette computer shipping

I have loads of shipping to do and am in the middle of it. For the past day or so I've been focusing on getting players everything they need for the new automated analysis software, but this is now done so I can focus on shipping. All of the urgent items will definitely be shipped tomorrow, with the rest later in the week.

Automated wheel analysis instructions

All system players can download the automated wheel analysis software instructions at,279.0.html

You need to be registered in the forum, and have access to the player only areas.

The software will be moved to the player server shortly. Just check back every now and then and it will be available soon.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Spin collection software ready for download

I managed to complete the instructions today, so have released the
software. See,272.0.html

There are even more goodies for players on the way.

Spin collection software

I just completed final testing and it works perfectly. Now I'm just writing the instructions and if I finish them today, I will release it via the player forum today. But for actual use in the casino, you will need suitable equipment. Be aware of the following issues:

1. It will not work correctly on just any mobile phone. I will give details of suitable models in the forum.

2. The phone needs to be modified so it can process data input via a hidden cable (you can't just have the phone visible at the table and openly enter the data). You need a hidden cable, induction loop, and wireless earpiece.

If you have technical skills and your own provider, you can source your own equipment. Or you can purchase all equipment from me.

The software itself is free to players. But to use the automated analysis component, there will be an ongoing fee. The automated analysis component is not yet complete though. Basically you will be able to input the spins at the table, and all data is uploaded via GSM networks (mobile phone towers) to the analysis server. Then predictions are relayed back to you. It will be done in a way which minimizes the amount of required wireless transmissions. But even if the casino has scanners, all it will look like is someone in the casino has a mobile phone which can just as easily be casino staff.

Keep an eye on the player forum for the actual release and further details.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Automated analysis software complete

The auto analysis software is now completed. It is only on the development server for now, but will be installed on the player server shortly (in a day or so, ready for use). Players can test it out and see what it does, but I'll need to update the instructions to explain how to use it. But in a nutshell, the new part is right down the bottom. Simply enter the data (minimum 100 spins), click automatic analysis, and it will generate a lite custom variant for you. Use the parameter input for when conditions change, and get an updated CV.

For now it will just generate the CV regardless of pattern strength, so you will need to evaluate the wheel to begin with. And soon we'll add the feature that tells you how strong the patterns are, with a wheel rating, so you know which wheels to focus on. But generally if you evaluate the wheel properly, you'll already have a good idea of how beatable the wheel is. More is being added to it in time, but for now I have too many other projects I need to focus on. While I don't do the actual programming, I still do testing and design. Especially testing is very time consuming.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Spin collection software

This is done now and I expect to release it either the end of this week, or start of next week. Unfortunately it will not run on most phones, so you need to have a suitable model. Specifically when you go to export the data into a text file, most phones will crash or not export the data correctly. I'll explain more about this in the player forum closer to release. I will provide phones that are both suitable and have modifications, but I haven't worked out any costing yet.

Automated online software

I've just tested the latest version, and it's one step closer to completion. I just need to discuss some issues with the programmers for them to fix. This is the more tedious part. I wont release it until it's fully tested and running perfectly. I don't know WHEN yet. It could be anywhere from a few days to a week.